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The Elf And The Dormouse Under A Toadstool Crept A Wee Elf, Out Of The Rain To Shelter Himself. Under The Toadstool, Sound Asleep, Sat A Big Dormouse All In A Heap. Trembled The Wee Elf, Frightened And Yet Fearing To Fly Away Lest He Get Wet. To The Next Shelter-maybe A Mile! Sudden The Wee Elf Smiled A Wee Smile. Tugged Till The Toadstool Toppled In Two. Holding It Over Him, Gaily He Flew. Soon He Was Safe Home, Dry As Could Be. Soon Woke The Dormouse-"good Gracious Me!" "where Is My Toadstool?" Loud He Lamented. -and That's How Umbrellas First Were Invented.
-Oliver Herford
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The Elf And The Dormouse Under A

Oliver Herford
The Elf And The Dormouse Under A Toadstool Crept A Wee Elf, Out Of The Rain To Shelter Himself. Under The Toadstool, Sound Asleep, Sat A Big Dormouse All In A Heap. Trembled The Wee Elf, Frightened And Yet Fearing To Fly Away Lest He Get Wet. To The Next Shelter-maybe A Mile! Sudden The Wee Elf Smiled A Wee Smile. Tugged Till The Toadstool Toppled In Two. Holding It Over Him, Gaily He Flew. Soon He Was Safe Home, Dry As Could Be. Soon Woke The Dormouse-"good Gracious Me!" "where Is My Toadstool?" Loud He Lamented. -and That's How Umbrellas First Were Invented.
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