Take Your Job Seriously, But Don't Take Their Complaints Personally. If You Take It Personally You'll Get Upset And Lose Your Edge. If You Take It Too Personally, You'll Lose Your Edge And Your Job. If You Take It Seriously -- It's You With Them. If You Take It Personally, It's You Against Them. What Steps Can You Take To Ensure Keeping Your Cool?
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Take Your Job Seriously, But Don't Take
Jeffrey Gitomer
Take Your Job Seriously, But Don't Take Their Complaints Personally. If You Take It Personally You'll Get Upset And Lose Your Edge. If You Take It Too Personally, You'll Lose Your Edge And Your Job. If You Take It Seriously -- It's You With Them. If You Take It Personally, It's You Against Them. What Steps Can You Take To Ensure Keeping Your Cool?
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