Many Of The Younger Generation Know My Name In A Vague Way And Connect It With Grotesque Inventions, But Don't Believe That I Ever Existed As A Person. They Think I'm A Nonperson, Just A Name That Signifies A Tangled Web Of Pipes Or Wires Or Strings That Suggest Machinery. My Name To Them Is Like A Spiral Staircase, Veal Cutlets, Barber's Itch — Terms That Give You An Immediate Picture Of What They Mean.
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Many Of The Younger Generation Know My

Rube Goldberg
Many Of The Younger Generation Know My Name In A Vague Way And Connect It With Grotesque Inventions, But Don't Believe That I Ever Existed As A Person. They Think I'm A Nonperson, Just A Name That Signifies A Tangled Web Of Pipes Or Wires Or Strings That Suggest Machinery. My Name To Them Is Like A Spiral Staircase, Veal Cutlets, Barber's Itch — Terms That Give You An Immediate Picture Of What They Mean.
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