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Whenever You Take A Step Forward, You Are Bound To Disturb Something. You Disturb The Air As You Go Forward, You Disturb The Dust, The Ground. You Trample Upon Things. When A Whole Society Moves Forward, This Trampling Is On A Much Bigger Scale; And Each Thing That You Disturb, Each Vested Interest Which You Want To Remove, Stands As An Obstacle.
-Mahatma Gandhi
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Whenever You Take A Step Forward, You

Mahatma Gandhi
Whenever You Take A Step Forward, You Are Bound To Disturb Something. You Disturb The Air As You Go Forward, You Disturb The Dust, The Ground. You Trample Upon Things. When A Whole Society Moves Forward, This Trampling Is On A Much Bigger Scale; And Each Thing That You Disturb, Each Vested Interest Which You Want To Remove, Stands As An Obstacle.
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