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The Rose Fell Into His Lap, And He Looked Up, Startled. Mimi Grinned. "hey Handsom" Mimi Sent. "what's Up?" Jack Replied, Without Speaking. "just Thinking Of You." Jack's Smile Deepened, And He Threw The Rose Back At Her So That It Landed In Her Lap. Mimi Tucked It Behind Her Ear And Fluttered Her Eyelashes Appreciatively.
-Melissa De La Cruz
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The Rose Fell Into His Lap, And

Melissa De La Cruz
The Rose Fell Into His Lap, And He Looked Up, Startled. Mimi Grinned. "hey Handsom" Mimi Sent. "what's Up?" Jack Replied, Without Speaking. "just Thinking Of You." Jack's Smile Deepened, And He Threw The Rose Back At Her So That It Landed In Her Lap. Mimi Tucked It Behind Her Ear And Fluttered Her Eyelashes Appreciatively.
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