The Richest Person In The World - In Fact. All The Riches In The World - Couldn't Provide You With Anything Like The Endless, Incredible Loot Available At Your Local Library. You Can Measure The Awareness, The Breadth And The Wisdom Of A Civilization, A Nation, A People By The Priority Given To Preserving These Repositories Of All That We Are, All That We Were, Or Will Be.
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The Richest Person In The World -

Malcolm Forbes
The Richest Person In The World - In Fact. All The Riches In The World - Couldn't Provide You With Anything Like The Endless, Incredible Loot Available At Your Local Library. You Can Measure The Awareness, The Breadth And The Wisdom Of A Civilization, A Nation, A People By The Priority Given To Preserving These Repositories Of All That We Are, All That We Were, Or Will Be.
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