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My Parents' Loss Was Compensated By The Birth Of My Son Aryan And Daughter Suhana. I Believe They're My Parents. In Comparison To Them, I Behave Childishly. My 13-year-old Daughter And 15-year-old Son Behave Like My Mother And Father. They're Not My Weakness. I Love Them A Lot And Give Them A Lot. I'll Give Them So Much That By The Time They Are Adults They Wouldn't Want Anything.
-Shahrukh Khan
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My Parents' Loss Was Compensated By The

Shahrukh Khan
My Parents' Loss Was Compensated By The Birth Of My Son Aryan And Daughter Suhana. I Believe They're My Parents. In Comparison To Them, I Behave Childishly. My 13-year-old Daughter And 15-year-old Son Behave Like My Mother And Father. They're Not My Weakness. I Love Them A Lot And Give Them A Lot. I'll Give Them So Much That By The Time They Are Adults They Wouldn't Want Anything.
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