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I Think It's Something That Dawns On You With The Most Ghastly, Inexorable Sense. I Didn't Suddenly Wake Up In My Pram One Day And Say 'yippee, I - ', You Know. But I Think It Just Dawns On You, You Know, Slowly, That People Are Interested In One, And Slowly You Get The Idea That You Have A Certain Duty And Responsibility.
-Prince Charles
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I Think It's Something That Dawns On

Prince Charles
I Think It's Something That Dawns On You With The Most Ghastly, Inexorable Sense. I Didn't Suddenly Wake Up In My Pram One Day And Say 'yippee, I - ', You Know. But I Think It Just Dawns On You, You Know, Slowly, That People Are Interested In One, And Slowly You Get The Idea That You Have A Certain Duty And Responsibility.
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