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I Grew Up In That Minority. I Grew Up In The South, In Roswell, Georgia, And It Was Heavily White, Baptist, Conservative. And The Idea That Somebody Would Come There And Say Those Things That I Said Created An Atmosphere Where Some People Would Walk Out, And Suddenly They Weren't In The Minority. For An Hour And A Half, They Were The Majority. So I Would Argue That It Does Need To Be Said.
-David Cross
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I Grew Up In That Minority. I

David Cross
I Grew Up In That Minority. I Grew Up In The South, In Roswell, Georgia, And It Was Heavily White, Baptist, Conservative. And The Idea That Somebody Would Come There And Say Those Things That I Said Created An Atmosphere Where Some People Would Walk Out, And Suddenly They Weren't In The Minority. For An Hour And A Half, They Were The Majority. So I Would Argue That It Does Need To Be Said.
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