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There's A Rhythm To Script [ In "i Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore"], As Well, Especially The Pacing Of It. But There Definitely Were Times When I Would Say Something And [ Macon Blair] Would Say, "i Didn't Think To Deliver It Like That" Or, "i Didn't Think It Had That Meaning." And He'd Say, "i Like It. I Think It's Good." So He's Open. He's Not Battering It Into You.
-Melanie Lynskey
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There's A Rhythm To Script [ In

Melanie Lynskey
There's A Rhythm To Script [ In "i Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore"], As Well, Especially The Pacing Of It. But There Definitely Were Times When I Would Say Something And [ Macon Blair] Would Say, "i Didn't Think To Deliver It Like That" Or, "i Didn't Think It Had That Meaning." And He'd Say, "i Like It. I Think It's Good." So He's Open. He's Not Battering It Into You.
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