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There Are Four Types Of Men In This World: 1. The Man Who Knows, And Knows That He Knows; He Is Wise, So Consult Him. 2. The Man Who Knows, But Doesn't Know That He Knows; Help Him Not Forget What He Knows. 3. The Man Who Knows Not, And Knows That He Knows Not; Teach Him. 4. Finally, There Is The Man Who Knows Not But Pretends That He Knows; He Is A Fool, So Avoid Him.
-Solomon Ibn Gabirol
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There Are Four Types Of Men In

Solomon Ibn Gabirol
There Are Four Types Of Men In This World: 1. The Man Who Knows, And Knows That He Knows; He Is Wise, So Consult Him. 2. The Man Who Knows, But Doesn't Know That He Knows; Help Him Not Forget What He Knows. 3. The Man Who Knows Not, And Knows That He Knows Not; Teach Him. 4. Finally, There Is The Man Who Knows Not But Pretends That He Knows; He Is A Fool, So Avoid Him.
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