The Treasury Plan Is A Disgrace: A Bailout Of Reckless Bankers, Lenders And Investors That Provides Little Direct Debt Relief To Borrowers And Financially Stressed Households And That Will Come At A Very High Cost To The Us Taxpayer. And The Plan Does Nothing To Resolve The Severe Stress In Money Markets And Interbank Markets That Are Now Close To A Systemic Meltdown.
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The Treasury Plan Is A Disgrace: A

Nouriel Roubini
The Treasury Plan Is A Disgrace: A Bailout Of Reckless Bankers, Lenders And Investors That Provides Little Direct Debt Relief To Borrowers And Financially Stressed Households And That Will Come At A Very High Cost To The Us Taxpayer. And The Plan Does Nothing To Resolve The Severe Stress In Money Markets And Interbank Markets That Are Now Close To A Systemic Meltdown.
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