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The Senators Are Clearly Willing To Incur Your Wrath At Reelection Time. They Would Much Rather Do That Than Deal With Whatever Is Gonna Happen To Them If They Vote To Repeal Obamacare. They're Afraid Of Somebody. They Are Concerned About Somebody Or Something, But It Isn't You. Despite The Most Important Thing In Their Lives, Being Reelected, That's What You Do.
-Rush Limbaugh
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The Senators Are Clearly Willing To Incur

Rush Limbaugh
The Senators Are Clearly Willing To Incur Your Wrath At Reelection Time. They Would Much Rather Do That Than Deal With Whatever Is Gonna Happen To Them If They Vote To Repeal Obamacare. They're Afraid Of Somebody. They Are Concerned About Somebody Or Something, But It Isn't You. Despite The Most Important Thing In Their Lives, Being Reelected, That's What You Do.
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