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[the Doctor, Capt. Jack And Rose Are Cornered By The Empty Children.] The Doctor: Go To Your Room! Go To Your Room! I Mean It. I'm Very, Very Angry With You. I'm Very, Very Cross! Go! To! Your! Room! [the Children Lurch Away And Obey Him.] I'm Really Glad That Worked. Those Would Have Been Terrible Last Words.
-Steven Moffat
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[the Doctor, Capt. Jack And Rose Are

Steven Moffat
[the Doctor, Capt. Jack And Rose Are Cornered By The Empty Children.] The Doctor: Go To Your Room! Go To Your Room! I Mean It. I'm Very, Very Angry With You. I'm Very, Very Cross! Go! To! Your! Room! [the Children Lurch Away And Obey Him.] I'm Really Glad That Worked. Those Would Have Been Terrible Last Words.
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