Supposing You Eliminated Suffering, What A Dreadful Place The World Would Be! I Would Almost Rather Eliminate Happiness. The World Would Be The Most Ghastly Place Because Everything That Corrects The Tendency Of This Unspeakable Little Creature, Man, To Feel Over-important And Over-pleased With Himself Would Disappear. He's Bad Enough Now, But He Would Be Absolutely Intolerable If He Never Suffered.
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Supposing You Eliminated Suffering, What A Dreadful

Malcolm Muggeridge
Supposing You Eliminated Suffering, What A Dreadful Place The World Would Be! I Would Almost Rather Eliminate Happiness. The World Would Be The Most Ghastly Place Because Everything That Corrects The Tendency Of This Unspeakable Little Creature, Man, To Feel Over-important And Over-pleased With Himself Would Disappear. He's Bad Enough Now, But He Would Be Absolutely Intolerable If He Never Suffered.
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