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Spread The Glad Tidings That It Will Not Disappoint Miss Heyer's Many Admirers. Judging From The Letters I've Received From Obviously Feeble-minded Persons Who Do So Wish I Would Write Another These Old Shades, It Ought To Sell Like Hot Cakes. I Think Myself I Ought To Be Shot For Writing Such Nonsense, But It's Questionably Good Escapist Literature And I Think I Should Rather Like It If I Were Sitting In An Air-raid Shelter, Or Recovering From Flu. Its Period Detail Is Good; My Husband Says It's Witty---and Without Going To These Lengths, I Will Say That It Is Very Good Fun.
-Georgette Heyer
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Spread The Glad Tidings That It Will

Georgette Heyer
Spread The Glad Tidings That It Will Not Disappoint Miss Heyer's Many Admirers. Judging From The Letters I've Received From Obviously Feeble-minded Persons Who Do So Wish I Would Write Another These Old Shades, It Ought To Sell Like Hot Cakes. I Think Myself I Ought To Be Shot For Writing Such Nonsense, But It's Questionably Good Escapist Literature And I Think I Should Rather Like It If I Were Sitting In An Air-raid Shelter, Or Recovering From Flu. Its Period Detail Is Good; My Husband Says It's Witty---and Without Going To These Lengths, I Will Say That It Is Very Good Fun.
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