Shh!" The Guy Beside Me Hissed Again. "blame Him," I Told The Guy, Pointing At Patch. The Guy Craned His Neck Back. "listen," He Said, Facing Me Again. "if You Don't Quiet Down, I'll Get Security." "fine, Go Get Security. Tell Them To Take Him Away," I Said, Again Signaling Patch. "tell Them He Wants To Kill Me." "i Want To Kill You," Hissed The Guy's Girlfriend.
Please Wait....
Shh!" The Guy Beside Me Hissed Again.

Becca Fitzpatrick
Shh!" The Guy Beside Me Hissed Again. "blame Him," I Told The Guy, Pointing At Patch. The Guy Craned His Neck Back. "listen," He Said, Facing Me Again. "if You Don't Quiet Down, I'll Get Security." "fine, Go Get Security. Tell Them To Take Him Away," I Said, Again Signaling Patch. "tell Them He Wants To Kill Me." "i Want To Kill You," Hissed The Guy's Girlfriend.
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