Oh, For God's Sake," I Said. "just Give Me The Stupid Thing." I Took The Panic Button And Stuck It Into My Super Sexy Miracle Bra. "gps," Ranger Said To Morelli. "probably I Can Find Her Breast Without It," Morelli Said. "but It's Good To Know There's A Navigational System On Board If I Need It.
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Oh, For God's Sake," I Said. "just

Janet Evanovich
Oh, For God's Sake," I Said. "just Give Me The Stupid Thing." I Took The Panic Button And Stuck It Into My Super Sexy Miracle Bra. "gps," Ranger Said To Morelli. "probably I Can Find Her Breast Without It," Morelli Said. "but It's Good To Know There's A Navigational System On Board If I Need It.
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