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Nobody Likes Cravens,” He Said Uncomfortably. “i Wish We Hadn’t Helped Him. What If They Think We’re Craven Too?” "you're Too Stupid To Be Craven,” Pyp Told Him. “i Am Not,” Grenn Said. “yes You Are. If A Bear Attacked You In The Woods, You’d Be Too Stupid To Run Away.” “i Would Not,” Grenn Insisted. “i’d Run Away Faster Than You.” He Stopped Suddenly, Scowling When He Saw Pyp’s Grin And Realized What He’d Just Said.
-George R. R. Martin
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Nobody Likes Cravens,” He Said Uncomfortably. “i

George R. R. Martin
Nobody Likes Cravens,” He Said Uncomfortably. “i Wish We Hadn’t Helped Him. What If They Think We’re Craven Too?” "you're Too Stupid To Be Craven,” Pyp Told Him. “i Am Not,” Grenn Said. “yes You Are. If A Bear Attacked You In The Woods, You’d Be Too Stupid To Run Away.” “i Would Not,” Grenn Insisted. “i’d Run Away Faster Than You.” He Stopped Suddenly, Scowling When He Saw Pyp’s Grin And Realized What He’d Just Said.
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