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My Style Is So Tightly Tied In With Our Songs That I Don't Think You Could Even Ask Me To Quit Radiohead And Play Guitar For Another Band. I Don't Think I Could Do It. It Would Probably Reveal Me To Be The Bluffer That I Believe I Am. That's How It Feels. I Wouldn't Have The Confidence To Do Anything But This.
-Jonny Greenwood
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My Style Is So Tightly Tied In

Jonny Greenwood
My Style Is So Tightly Tied In With Our Songs That I Don't Think You Could Even Ask Me To Quit Radiohead And Play Guitar For Another Band. I Don't Think I Could Do It. It Would Probably Reveal Me To Be The Bluffer That I Believe I Am. That's How It Feels. I Wouldn't Have The Confidence To Do Anything But This.
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