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Most Liberal-minded Folk Would Like To Think That Since They Are Not Hostile To People Of A Different Race, Racism Is A Disease Of The Uneducated, Unenlightened And Socially Backward - Football Hooligans, British National Party Supporters, Policemen. You Could Call This The Bad Guy Theory. But The Bad Guy Theory Does Not Explain Why Indian-heritage Children Do Nearly Twice As Well As Pakistani-heritage Children At Gcse.
-Trevor Phillips
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Most Liberal-minded Folk Would Like To Think

Trevor Phillips
Most Liberal-minded Folk Would Like To Think That Since They Are Not Hostile To People Of A Different Race, Racism Is A Disease Of The Uneducated, Unenlightened And Socially Backward - Football Hooligans, British National Party Supporters, Policemen. You Could Call This The Bad Guy Theory. But The Bad Guy Theory Does Not Explain Why Indian-heritage Children Do Nearly Twice As Well As Pakistani-heritage Children At Gcse.
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