Many People Think Of Me As Just A Riff Guitarist, But I Think Of Myself In Broader Terms. As A Musician I Think My Greatest Achievement Has Been To Create Unexpected Melodies And Harmonies Within A Rock And Roll Framework. And As A Producer I Would Like To Be Remembered As Someone Who Was Able To Sustain A Band Of Unquestionable Individual Talent, And Push It To The Forefront During Its Working Career. I Think I Really Captured The Best Of Our Output, Growth, Change And Maturity On Tape - The Multifaceted Gem That Is Led Zeppelin.
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Many People Think Of Me As Just

Jimmy Page
Many People Think Of Me As Just A Riff Guitarist, But I Think Of Myself In Broader Terms. As A Musician I Think My Greatest Achievement Has Been To Create Unexpected Melodies And Harmonies Within A Rock And Roll Framework. And As A Producer I Would Like To Be Remembered As Someone Who Was Able To Sustain A Band Of Unquestionable Individual Talent, And Push It To The Forefront During Its Working Career. I Think I Really Captured The Best Of Our Output, Growth, Change And Maturity On Tape - The Multifaceted Gem That Is Led Zeppelin.
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