It's Always Fun To Do The Fight Sequences And Then To Complete Them, Because Some Of Them Are Quite Complicated - With Guns And So On - And There's Always Things That Can Go Wrong. It's Fun To Shoot Those Things Because We Rehearse Them Very Strenuously. It's Fun To Shoot Them, And Fun To Know They're Finished, That They're In The Can So To Speak.
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It's Always Fun To Do The Fight

Liam Neeson
It's Always Fun To Do The Fight Sequences And Then To Complete Them, Because Some Of Them Are Quite Complicated - With Guns And So On - And There's Always Things That Can Go Wrong. It's Fun To Shoot Those Things Because We Rehearse Them Very Strenuously. It's Fun To Shoot Them, And Fun To Know They're Finished, That They're In The Can So To Speak.
Views: 18