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If You Don't Try To Generate More Revenues Through Tax Reform, If You Don't Ask, You Know, The Most Fortunate Americans To Bear A Slightly Larger Burden Of The Privilege Of Being An American, Then You Have To - The Only Way To Achieve Fiscal Sustainability Is Through Unacceptably Deep Cuts In Benefits For Middle Class Seniors, Or Unacceptably Deep Cuts In National Security.
-Timothy Geithner
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If You Don't Try To Generate More

Timothy Geithner
If You Don't Try To Generate More Revenues Through Tax Reform, If You Don't Ask, You Know, The Most Fortunate Americans To Bear A Slightly Larger Burden Of The Privilege Of Being An American, Then You Have To - The Only Way To Achieve Fiscal Sustainability Is Through Unacceptably Deep Cuts In Benefits For Middle Class Seniors, Or Unacceptably Deep Cuts In National Security.
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