I Think The Internet Really Sussed Things Into Perspective. Because Twelve Years Ago, I Could Spend My Days On Writing And Running My Band And Touring And Making Posters And Practicing With My Band And Working On My Vocals, But I Didn't Spend A Large Pie Chart Of My Time Sifting Through Criticism As Well, And Nowadays I Do, And All Female Artists Do, Because To Be Able To Promote Your Work, You Need To Live In Those Spaces.
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I Think The Internet Really Sussed Things

Amanda Palmer
I Think The Internet Really Sussed Things Into Perspective. Because Twelve Years Ago, I Could Spend My Days On Writing And Running My Band And Touring And Making Posters And Practicing With My Band And Working On My Vocals, But I Didn't Spend A Large Pie Chart Of My Time Sifting Through Criticism As Well, And Nowadays I Do, And All Female Artists Do, Because To Be Able To Promote Your Work, You Need To Live In Those Spaces.
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