I Think That Being Liberal, In The True Sense, Is Being Nondoctrinaire, Nondogmatic, Noncomitted To A Cause But Examining Each Case On Its Merits. Being Left Of Center Is Another Thing; It's A Political Position. I Think Most Newspapermen By Definition Have To Be Liberal; If They're Not Liberal, By My Definition Of It, Then They Can Hardly Be Good Newspapermen.
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I Think That Being Liberal, In The

Walter Cronkite
I Think That Being Liberal, In The True Sense, Is Being Nondoctrinaire, Nondogmatic, Noncomitted To A Cause But Examining Each Case On Its Merits. Being Left Of Center Is Another Thing; It's A Political Position. I Think Most Newspapermen By Definition Have To Be Liberal; If They're Not Liberal, By My Definition Of It, Then They Can Hardly Be Good Newspapermen.
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