I Think It's Reasonable To Say That Even Thought, In All Likelihood, We Have Slightly Different Experiences Of Reality, They Are Similar Enough To Us Not To Clash. In Other Words, I'm Not, It's Very Unlikely, In Fact, Let's Say Impossible, For You To Say The Situation In Which You And I Are In Right Now, Relative To The Machinery That Is Capturing This.
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I Think It's Reasonable To Say That

Antonio Damasio
I Think It's Reasonable To Say That Even Thought, In All Likelihood, We Have Slightly Different Experiences Of Reality, They Are Similar Enough To Us Not To Clash. In Other Words, I'm Not, It's Very Unlikely, In Fact, Let's Say Impossible, For You To Say The Situation In Which You And I Are In Right Now, Relative To The Machinery That Is Capturing This.
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