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I Remember My Daughter Deni Coming Along, And She Was So Pure And Caring Of Everybody And Everything. And Somehow, This Little Being Managed To Get Around All The Obstacles - The Gun Turrets, The Walls, The Moats, The Sentries - That Were Wrapped Around My Heart. My Heart At That Time Needed Her. I Think It's The Best Thing Going, Parenthood.
-Woody Harrelson
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I Remember My Daughter Deni Coming Along,

Woody Harrelson
I Remember My Daughter Deni Coming Along, And She Was So Pure And Caring Of Everybody And Everything. And Somehow, This Little Being Managed To Get Around All The Obstacles - The Gun Turrets, The Walls, The Moats, The Sentries - That Were Wrapped Around My Heart. My Heart At That Time Needed Her. I Think It's The Best Thing Going, Parenthood.
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