I Really Didn't Realize The Librarians Were, You Know, Such A Dangerous Group. They Are Subversive. You Think They're Just Sitting There At The Desk, All Quiet And Everything. They're Like Plotting The Revolution, Man. I Wouldn't Mess With Them. You Know, They've Had Their Budgets Cut. They're Paid Nothing. Books Are Falling Apart. The Libraries Are Just Like The Ass End Of Everything, Right?
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I Really Didn't Realize The Librarians Were,

Michael Moore
I Really Didn't Realize The Librarians Were, You Know, Such A Dangerous Group. They Are Subversive. You Think They're Just Sitting There At The Desk, All Quiet And Everything. They're Like Plotting The Revolution, Man. I Wouldn't Mess With Them. You Know, They've Had Their Budgets Cut. They're Paid Nothing. Books Are Falling Apart. The Libraries Are Just Like The Ass End Of Everything, Right?
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