I Don't Think It's Possible For The Fed To End Its Easy-money Policies In A Trouble-free Manner. Recent Episodes In Which Fed Officials Hinted At A Shift Toward Higher Interest Rates Have Unleashed Significant Volatility In Markets, So There Is No Reason To Suspect That The Actual Process Of Boosting Rates Would Be Any Different. I Think That Real Pressure Is Going To Occur Not By The Initiation By The Federal Reserve, But By The Markets Themselves.
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I Don't Think It's Possible For The

Alan Greenspan
I Don't Think It's Possible For The Fed To End Its Easy-money Policies In A Trouble-free Manner. Recent Episodes In Which Fed Officials Hinted At A Shift Toward Higher Interest Rates Have Unleashed Significant Volatility In Markets, So There Is No Reason To Suspect That The Actual Process Of Boosting Rates Would Be Any Different. I Think That Real Pressure Is Going To Occur Not By The Initiation By The Federal Reserve, But By The Markets Themselves.
Views: 7