I Believe That We Face Incredible Obstacles In Our Attempts To See The World. Everything In Our Nature Tries To Deny The World Around Us; To Refabricate It In Our Own Image; To Reinvent It For Our Own Benefit. And So, It Becomes Something Of A Challenge, A Task, To Recover (or At Least Attempt To Recover) The Real World Despite All The Impediments To That End.
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I Believe That We Face Incredible Obstacles

Errol Morris
I Believe That We Face Incredible Obstacles In Our Attempts To See The World. Everything In Our Nature Tries To Deny The World Around Us; To Refabricate It In Our Own Image; To Reinvent It For Our Own Benefit. And So, It Becomes Something Of A Challenge, A Task, To Recover (or At Least Attempt To Recover) The Real World Despite All The Impediments To That End.
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