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You Aristocratic Ladies And Your Gold-plated Twats. You Always Think It's Such A Honor For Me To Touch You." He Surveyed Her With Mocking Green Eyes. "you Think You're The First High-kick Wench I've Ever Had? I Used To Have Blue-blooded Bitches Like You Pay Me To Do This. You've Gotten It For Free.
-Lisa Kleypas
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You Aristocratic Ladies And Your Gold-plated Twats.

Lisa Kleypas
You Aristocratic Ladies And Your Gold-plated Twats. You Always Think It's Such A Honor For Me To Touch You." He Surveyed Her With Mocking Green Eyes. "you Think You're The First High-kick Wench I've Ever Had? I Used To Have Blue-blooded Bitches Like You Pay Me To Do This. You've Gotten It For Free.
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