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Wishing Won't Make It So Hoping Won't Do It, Praying Won't Do It Religion Won't Do It, Philosophy Won't Do It The Supreme Court Won't Do It, The President And The Congress Won't Do It The Un Won't Do It, The H-bomb Won't Do It, The Sun And The Moon Won't Do It And God Won't Do It, And I Certainly Won't Do It That Leaves You, You'll Have To Do It
-Todd Rundgren
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Wishing Won't Make It So Hoping Won't

Todd Rundgren
Wishing Won't Make It So Hoping Won't Do It, Praying Won't Do It Religion Won't Do It, Philosophy Won't Do It The Supreme Court Won't Do It, The President And The Congress Won't Do It The Un Won't Do It, The H-bomb Won't Do It, The Sun And The Moon Won't Do It And God Won't Do It, And I Certainly Won't Do It That Leaves You, You'll Have To Do It
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