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Why, In Truth, Sir," Was Monte Cristo's Reply, "man Is But An Ugly Caterpillar For Him Who Studies Him Through A Solar Microscope; But You Said, I Think, That I Had Nothing Else To Do. Now, Really, Let Me Ask, Sir, Have You? — Do You Believe You Have Anything To Do? Or To Speak In Plain Terms, Do You Really Think That What You Do Deserves Being Called Anything?
-Alexandre Dumas
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Why, In Truth, Sir," Was Monte Cristo's

Alexandre Dumas
Why, In Truth, Sir," Was Monte Cristo's Reply, "man Is But An Ugly Caterpillar For Him Who Studies Him Through A Solar Microscope; But You Said, I Think, That I Had Nothing Else To Do. Now, Really, Let Me Ask, Sir, Have You? — Do You Believe You Have Anything To Do? Or To Speak In Plain Terms, Do You Really Think That What You Do Deserves Being Called Anything?
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