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When I Went To The Oscars - The Only Time I've Ever Been To The Oscars - A Few Years Ago, I Wore This Prada Dress Covered In Cooking Utensils. I Got Drunk At The End Of The Night And Started Ripping Them Off And Giving Them As Presents To People, So That Was Fun. I'm Pretty Sure That Was The Point Of It, That's How Miuccia Meant For It To Go I'm Sure.
-Carey Mulligan
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When I Went To The Oscars -

Carey Mulligan
When I Went To The Oscars - The Only Time I've Ever Been To The Oscars - A Few Years Ago, I Wore This Prada Dress Covered In Cooking Utensils. I Got Drunk At The End Of The Night And Started Ripping Them Off And Giving Them As Presents To People, So That Was Fun. I'm Pretty Sure That Was The Point Of It, That's How Miuccia Meant For It To Go I'm Sure.
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