What Is This?” He Went On Now, Spearing An Unfortunate Object On A Fork And Raising It To Eye Level. “this… This… Thing?” “a Parsnip?” Jem Suggested. “a Parsnip Planted In Satan’s Own Garden.” Said Will. He Glanced About. “i Don’t Suppose There’s A Dog I Could Feed It To.” “there Don’t Seem To Be Any Pets About,” Jem—who Loved All Animals, Even The Inglorious And Ill-tempered Church—observed. “probably All Poisoned By Parsnips,” Said Will.
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What Is This?” He Went On Now,

Cassandra Clare
What Is This?” He Went On Now, Spearing An Unfortunate Object On A Fork And Raising It To Eye Level. “this… This… Thing?” “a Parsnip?” Jem Suggested. “a Parsnip Planted In Satan’s Own Garden.” Said Will. He Glanced About. “i Don’t Suppose There’s A Dog I Could Feed It To.” “there Don’t Seem To Be Any Pets About,” Jem—who Loved All Animals, Even The Inglorious And Ill-tempered Church—observed. “probably All Poisoned By Parsnips,” Said Will.
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