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What Is An "i", And Why Are Such Things Found (at Least So Far) Only In Association With, As Poet Russell Edson Once Wonderfully Phrased It, "teetering Bulbs Of Dread And Dream" - That Is, Only In Association With Certain Kinds Of Gooey Lumps Encased In Hard Protective Shells Mounted Atop Mobile Pedestals That Roam The World On Pairs Of Slightly Fuzzy, Jointed Stilts?
-Douglas Hofstadter
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What Is An "i", And Why Are

Douglas Hofstadter
What Is An "i", And Why Are Such Things Found (at Least So Far) Only In Association With, As Poet Russell Edson Once Wonderfully Phrased It, "teetering Bulbs Of Dread And Dream" - That Is, Only In Association With Certain Kinds Of Gooey Lumps Encased In Hard Protective Shells Mounted Atop Mobile Pedestals That Roam The World On Pairs Of Slightly Fuzzy, Jointed Stilts?
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