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We Don't Stop And Realize That We Are Dealing With People - The Far-left Doesn't Think We Need A Military To Start With, They Really Don't. You've Heard Me Say This Before, They Really Believe If All Countries Would Just Stand In A Circle And Unilaterally Disarm And Hold Hands Then All Threats Would Go Away, They Believe That. They Would Never Say That But They Do Believe That.
-James Inhofe
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We Don't Stop And Realize That We

James Inhofe
We Don't Stop And Realize That We Are Dealing With People - The Far-left Doesn't Think We Need A Military To Start With, They Really Don't. You've Heard Me Say This Before, They Really Believe If All Countries Would Just Stand In A Circle And Unilaterally Disarm And Hold Hands Then All Threats Would Go Away, They Believe That. They Would Never Say That But They Do Believe That.
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