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To Be Born Means Being Compelled To Choose An Era, A Place, A Life. To Exist Here, Now, Means To Lost The Possibility Of Being Countless Other Potential Selves.. Yet Once Being Born There Is No Turning Back. And I Think That's Exactly Why The Fantasy Worlds Of Cartoon Movies So Strongly Represent Our Hopes And Yearnings. They Illustrate A World Of Lost Possibilities For Us.
-Hayao Miyazaki
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To Be Born Means Being Compelled To

Hayao Miyazaki
To Be Born Means Being Compelled To Choose An Era, A Place, A Life. To Exist Here, Now, Means To Lost The Possibility Of Being Countless Other Potential Selves.. Yet Once Being Born There Is No Turning Back. And I Think That's Exactly Why The Fantasy Worlds Of Cartoon Movies So Strongly Represent Our Hopes And Yearnings. They Illustrate A World Of Lost Possibilities For Us.
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