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There's Always Been A Separation Between Fashion And What I Call My 'deeper' Work. Fashion Is Where I Make My Living. I'm Not Knocking It. It's A Pleasure To Make A Living That Way. It's Pleasure And Then There's The Deeper Pleasure Of Doing My Portraits. It's Not Important What I Consider Myself To Be, But I Consider Myself To Be A Portrait Photographer.
-Richard Avedon
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There's Always Been A Separation Between Fashion

Richard Avedon
There's Always Been A Separation Between Fashion And What I Call My 'deeper' Work. Fashion Is Where I Make My Living. I'm Not Knocking It. It's A Pleasure To Make A Living That Way. It's Pleasure And Then There's The Deeper Pleasure Of Doing My Portraits. It's Not Important What I Consider Myself To Be, But I Consider Myself To Be A Portrait Photographer.
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