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The Script Is Like Music To Me. I Approach It Like It's A Musical Piece And I Hear How It's Supposed To Sound When People Say The Words. There's Rhythms And There's Intonations And Things, And So, When Somebody Comes In And Hits The Notes That I Hear, I Go Okay. Or, They Come Close Enough, And Then I'll Say "well How About You Try It Like This?" And If They Have A Good Ear And They Can Pick It Up, Then I Think Okay, They've Got It.
-Rob Reiner
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The Script Is Like Music To Me.

Rob Reiner
The Script Is Like Music To Me. I Approach It Like It's A Musical Piece And I Hear How It's Supposed To Sound When People Say The Words. There's Rhythms And There's Intonations And Things, And So, When Somebody Comes In And Hits The Notes That I Hear, I Go Okay. Or, They Come Close Enough, And Then I'll Say "well How About You Try It Like This?" And If They Have A Good Ear And They Can Pick It Up, Then I Think Okay, They've Got It.
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