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The Reality Is That The Republicans Twice Had Mitt Romney As A Potential Nominee. They Chose Him In 2008 - 2012. In 2008 And 2012, He Had Been The Most Get Tough On Illegal Immigrants, On Undocumented Immigrants, Illegals, As He Called Them, Accused John Mccain Of Wanting To Give Them Social Security Checks, Accused Mike Huckabee Selling Out To Them With The Dream Act In Arkansas, Was Really The Most Strident.
-Mark Shields
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The Reality Is That The Republicans Twice

Mark Shields
The Reality Is That The Republicans Twice Had Mitt Romney As A Potential Nominee. They Chose Him In 2008 - 2012. In 2008 And 2012, He Had Been The Most Get Tough On Illegal Immigrants, On Undocumented Immigrants, Illegals, As He Called Them, Accused John Mccain Of Wanting To Give Them Social Security Checks, Accused Mike Huckabee Selling Out To Them With The Dream Act In Arkansas, Was Really The Most Strident.
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