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The People Who, During The Election, Were So Wise, So Moral, So Perfect, Now Have No Tendencies Whatever; Or If They Have Any, They Are Tendencies That Lead Downward To Degradation. . . . If People Are As Incapable, As Immoral, And As Ignorant As The Politicians Indicate, Then Why Is The Right Of These Same People To Vote Defended With Such Passionate Insistence?
-Frederic Bastiat
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The People Who, During The Election, Were

Frederic Bastiat
The People Who, During The Election, Were So Wise, So Moral, So Perfect, Now Have No Tendencies Whatever; Or If They Have Any, They Are Tendencies That Lead Downward To Degradation. . . . If People Are As Incapable, As Immoral, And As Ignorant As The Politicians Indicate, Then Why Is The Right Of These Same People To Vote Defended With Such Passionate Insistence?
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