The Patterns Are Simple, But Followed Together, They Make For A Whole That Is Wiser Than The Sum Of Its Parts. Go For A Walk; Cultivate Hunches; Write Everything Down, But Keep Your Folders Messy; Embrace Serendipity; Make Generative Mistakes; Take On Multiple Hobbies; Frequent Coffeehouses And Other Liquid Networks; Follow The Links; Let Others Build On Your Ideas; Borrow, Recycle; Reinvent. Build A Tangled Bank.
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The Patterns Are Simple, But Followed Together,
Steven Johnson
The Patterns Are Simple, But Followed Together, They Make For A Whole That Is Wiser Than The Sum Of Its Parts. Go For A Walk; Cultivate Hunches; Write Everything Down, But Keep Your Folders Messy; Embrace Serendipity; Make Generative Mistakes; Take On Multiple Hobbies; Frequent Coffeehouses And Other Liquid Networks; Follow The Links; Let Others Build On Your Ideas; Borrow, Recycle; Reinvent. Build A Tangled Bank.
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