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The Enormous Social Change Involved In A Sexual Revolution Is Basically A Matter Of Altered Consciousness, The Exposure And Elimination Of Social And Psychological Realities Underlying Political And Cultural Structures. We Are Speaking, Then, Of A Cultural Revolution, Which, While It Must Necessarily Involve The Political And Economic Reorganization Traditionally Implied By The Term Revolution, Must Go Far Beyond This As Well.
-Kate Millett
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The Enormous Social Change Involved In A

Kate Millett
The Enormous Social Change Involved In A Sexual Revolution Is Basically A Matter Of Altered Consciousness, The Exposure And Elimination Of Social And Psychological Realities Underlying Political And Cultural Structures. We Are Speaking, Then, Of A Cultural Revolution, Which, While It Must Necessarily Involve The Political And Economic Reorganization Traditionally Implied By The Term Revolution, Must Go Far Beyond This As Well.
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