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The Consequences Of Inflation Are Malinvestment, Waste, A Wanton Redistribution Of Wealth And Income, The Growth Of Speculation And Gambling, Immorality And Corruption, Disillusionment, Social Resentment, Discontent, Upheaval And Riots, Bankruptcy, Increased Government Controls, And Eventual Collapse.
-Henry Hazlitt
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The Consequences Of Inflation Are Malinvestment, Waste,

Henry Hazlitt
The Consequences Of Inflation Are Malinvestment, Waste, A Wanton Redistribution Of Wealth And Income, The Growth Of Speculation And Gambling, Immorality And Corruption, Disillusionment, Social Resentment, Discontent, Upheaval And Riots, Bankruptcy, Increased Government Controls, And Eventual Collapse.
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