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The Aspirations And Expectations Of A Virtuous People, Environed With So Wise, So Liberal, So Deep, So Broad, And So High A Charter Of Equal Rights As Appears In Said Constitution, Ought To Be Treated By Those To Whom The Administration Of The Laws Is Entrusted With As Much Sanctity As The Prayers Of The Saints Are Treated In Heaven, That Love, Confidence, And Union, Like The Sun, Moon, And Stars, Should Bear Witness.
-Joseph Smith, Jr.
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The Aspirations And Expectations Of A Virtuous

Joseph Smith, Jr.
The Aspirations And Expectations Of A Virtuous People, Environed With So Wise, So Liberal, So Deep, So Broad, And So High A Charter Of Equal Rights As Appears In Said Constitution, Ought To Be Treated By Those To Whom The Administration Of The Laws Is Entrusted With As Much Sanctity As The Prayers Of The Saints Are Treated In Heaven, That Love, Confidence, And Union, Like The Sun, Moon, And Stars, Should Bear Witness.
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