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The American President Increasingly Used His Influence To Create Conflicts, Intensify Existing Conflicts, And, Above All, To Keep Conflicts From Being Resolved Peacefully. For Years This Man Looked For A Dispute Anywhere In The World, But Preferably In Europe, That He Could Use To Create Political Entanglements With American Economic Obligations To One Of The Contending Sides, Which Would Then Steadily Involve America In The Conflict And Thus Divert Attention From His Own Confused Domestic Economic Policies.
-Adolf Hitler
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The American President Increasingly Used His Influence

Adolf Hitler
The American President Increasingly Used His Influence To Create Conflicts, Intensify Existing Conflicts, And, Above All, To Keep Conflicts From Being Resolved Peacefully. For Years This Man Looked For A Dispute Anywhere In The World, But Preferably In Europe, That He Could Use To Create Political Entanglements With American Economic Obligations To One Of The Contending Sides, Which Would Then Steadily Involve America In The Conflict And Thus Divert Attention From His Own Confused Domestic Economic Policies.
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