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That Is Why I Think, In Defiance Of Plato, That There Is At Once Error And Vulgarity In Saying That Poetry Is A Lie, Except In The Sense That Cocteau Wrote One Day: I Am A Lie Who Always Tells The Truth. The Only Poetry Which Lies Purely And Simply Is Academic, Pseudo-classical, Conceptually Repetitive Poetry, And It Is Not Poetry.
-Jacques Maritain
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That Is Why I Think, In Defiance

Jacques Maritain
That Is Why I Think, In Defiance Of Plato, That There Is At Once Error And Vulgarity In Saying That Poetry Is A Lie, Except In The Sense That Cocteau Wrote One Day: I Am A Lie Who Always Tells The Truth. The Only Poetry Which Lies Purely And Simply Is Academic, Pseudo-classical, Conceptually Repetitive Poetry, And It Is Not Poetry.
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