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Tell The British People If The Iraqis Are Subjected To Aggression Or Humiliation They Would Fight Bravely. Just As The British People Did In The Second World War And We Will Defend Our Country As They Defended Their Country Each In Its Own Way. The Iraqis Don't Wish War But If War Is Imposed Upon Them - If They Are Attacked And Insulted - They Will Defend Themselves. They Will Defend Their Country, Their Sovereignty And Their Security.
-Saddam Hussein
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Tell The British People If The Iraqis

Saddam Hussein
Tell The British People If The Iraqis Are Subjected To Aggression Or Humiliation They Would Fight Bravely. Just As The British People Did In The Second World War And We Will Defend Our Country As They Defended Their Country Each In Its Own Way. The Iraqis Don't Wish War But If War Is Imposed Upon Them - If They Are Attacked And Insulted - They Will Defend Themselves. They Will Defend Their Country, Their Sovereignty And Their Security.
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